Wine - Cigar - Liquor

Vodka Finlandia 1l

1700 L

Categories ,
  • Emri: Finlandia
  • Alkool: 40 % vol
  • Pesha: 1 l
  • Vendi i Prodhimit: Finlandë

Finlandia është një vodka klasike e Perëndimit. Ka qenë në treg që nga viti 1970 dhe ka një reputacion të shkëlqyer. Vajrat e fuselit dhe metanoli ndahen me distilim veçanërisht të kujdesshëm.

Finland is one of the purest and most popular Finnish vodkas in the world. The purest glacial spring water, the best golden barley and the art of distillation create an exclusive vodka with a clear refreshing taste.

It is distilled in the village of Koskenkorva in Ilmajoki, which is operated by the Finnish company Alita Corporation. It is then transferred to the village of Rajamäki in Nurmijärvi, about 45 kilometers north of Helsinki.

It was first launched in 1970.

Finlandia is suitable for drinking on its own, chilled on the rocks, or as a base for various cocktails such as Vodka Tonic, Cosmopolitan or Moscow Mule. Finlandia Vodka is synonymous with quality and purity, representing Finnish heritage and respect for nature.

Vodka is contained in a bottle with a volume of 1 l.

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